
Master Trader Account

Introducing our highest tier, the Master Trader Account at InvestQHub, specifically crafted for the most serious and advanced traders. A class apart, this account integrates all features of the previous tiers and raises the bar by offering unparalleled benefits. As a Master Trader Account holder, you are privy to exclusive invitations to VIP events, where you can network with industry stalwarts and gain unique insights. 

More importantly, you have the privilege of a direct, private line to our trading room, ensuring real-time market information and swift, efficient transactions. This level of account underscores our commitment to your success by providing unprecedented access, personalization, and trading power. With the Master Trader Account, InvestQHub is not just your trading platform; it’s your strategic partner in navigating the exciting landscape of high-level trading. Embrace the exceptional with our Master Trader Account and redefine your trading experience.





Minimum Deposit

$150,000 USDT

Master Account Features: